Dear reader,
This is the first of a series of blog posts detailing my ISM journey. I will update weekly at the very least, and I hope that you will take the time out of your day to share with me the experiences I undergo.
My first two weeks in the Independent Study Mentorship (ISM) Program have been a curious initiation. We are currently in the process of preparing for Business Symposium, an incredibly important event in which I will suit up, head out, socialize and interview with professionals from a plethora of different fields. My chosen field is Marketing/Advertising. However, before I immerse myself in the Marketing field, I am currently learning how to market myself. I may not be a product or a service, but in reality, I look just like everybody else, and so I am going to have to make myself stand out. I'm excited for the challenge. I imagine that this is what a novice superhero feels like. Except instead of looking at spandex designs, I've started forging my identity through choosing my defining personal quote and mission statement. I don't need a Batmobile, I've got a dynamite resumé that will take me places. Rather than standing on top of a skyscraper, and looking out into the grid of the city for crime, I'm in the classroom relentlessly researching for information on my topic.
So what have I learned so far?
I've learned, amongst other things, that the sky isn't the limit, that two pumps is enough for a handshake, and that Dillard's will sit you down for free and tell you what kind of makeup matches your skin tone.
I've learned that the people involved in ISM are incredible individuals.
But most importantly, I learned that I don't need a key to the city, because I am my own key to the universe.
See you next time,
Eileen Bau
P.S. Feel free to share this blog! It will help me greatly, and I cannot tell you how much I would appreciate it.