Dear reader,
This week's update title is not a pun, partially because it is pretty hard to think of a pun that contains the word "eighteen" and partially because I feel like a new era has begun. Instead of number puns, I will now be using number facts instead. This week's fact: Did you know cats can sleep, on average, up to 18 hours a day? I think I stay awake for 18 hours a day. However, cats and I have something in common: simply because we can do something doesn't mean we actually do it. Not all cats sleep for 18 hours a day, every day.
Similarly, I don't always do what I can do. On the surface, this sounds like a bad thing. Why not be all that you can be? Here's the answer: it's because in the real world, you have to make decisions and sacrifices and choose which doors to open and which doors to close. This past week, I've made a lot of choices and closed a lot of potential pathways. For example, while working on my Original Work, I decided to focus on qualitative research, not quantitative research. I will be surveying people over how certain elements of packaging make them feel, not surveying to see how many people like each type of packaging. I will be writing a formal research paper, not creating a slideshow.
However, my choices extend beyond the scope of this week's work. I made the decision to aim high for my Final Product (similar to Original Work, but instead of doing original research, we must create an original, tangible thing that showcases our learning) when I could have chosen to do some easy, mediocre product. I chose to challenge myself because it would be no fun otherwise. I chose to dream big and take risks.
I choose to make this journey remarkable, memorable, and unique.
I choose to try and amaze you.
Until next time,
Eileen Bau