Dear reader,
Why do we celebrate sweet sixteens? I actually have no idea, but I'd like to think it's not to celebrate coming of age, but that it is rather to celebrate the beauty of youth. Sixteen is that age where you're young and you know it, and the possibilities are seemingly endless. The reason this post is titled as it is is because this past week has given me that same sense of possibility and potential.
I have started to truly hash out the details to my Original Work, which will be a packaging study. Additionally, I have started to arrange mentor visits and it is all falling into place. Although I haven't gone on any interviews or completed anything new this week, it has been one of the most refreshing weeks in my journey. This week was a week of inspiration, of recharge, and of brainstorming.
I think best with a marker in my hand and a whiteboard at my disposal. For a solid 45 minutes, I brain-dumped all of my ideas onto the whiteboard and molded the beginnings of my Original Work. This creative catharsis is one of my favorite feelings in the world. You can practically taste the energy, and there is nobody there to tell you "no" but yourself. You get to try and consider things from as many different perspectives as possible, and it's immensely fun to put yourself in other people's shoes. You get to step back after you're done, look at the monster you've created on the board, and go Yes. I made that. And it's beautiful, even if nobody else understands it quite yet.
Next week, I will update you on my first mentor visit (if scheduling goes well) and the progression of my Original Work!
Until next time,
Eileen Bau