Dear reader,
Julius Caesar was (allegedly) stabbed 23 times by his friends at the time of his death. Not to be especially macabre, but I figure that a couple stabs is sufficient. 23 seems to be overkill - or compensation, perhaps, to those who killed him. It's kind of like this other funny quote I've recently read, which goes something like this: "If he writes a couple sonnets about her, he loves her. If he writes three hundred sonnets about her, he loves sonnets." If they stabbed Caesar a couple times, they wanted him dead, but if they stabbed him twenty three times, they probably wanted his entire system of government and legacy dead.
So what does this have to do with my ISM journey? Well, I figure that if I spend a couple hours poking into the Marketing field, I'm looking out for a potential career field, but if I spend hundreds of hours in the Marketing field, I'm definitely looking into Marketing as my future. ISM is a lot of work, which is at the same time hard but satisfying. It's hard, because true work isn't ever easy, but it's satisfying because I know that if I'm willing to put this much effort into it, I'm definitely in the right place.
This past week, I had the opportunity to go behind-the-scenes for a TV shoot that Slingshot was doing. It was amazing to see how much preparation went into a few seconds of footage. The ad agency was responsible for planning out everything, but seeing it in action is vastly different from writing it out on paper. There was one item being shot, but there were at least 20-30 people on set, ranging from camera crew to directors to clients relations to the actual client.
The reason this particular post is being updated so late is because I have been on spring break, which was a much-welcomed rest. I'm now ready to get back in the game and ramp up my efforts to complete my Final Product and get ready for Final Presentation Night.
Until next time,
Eileen Bau