Dear Reader,
This past week I have been very hungry. I have consumed copious amounts of food...and it's not because of soccer season. I believe that the reason I have been so ravenous is because of ISM. How?
This past week, we drafted designs for our display boards. These display boards are the standard cardboard tri-fold, which we have creative latitude to design, and we will be using them at Research Showcase and Final Presentation Night.
As a highly creative person, I knew I wanted my board to stand out. As an aspiring marketer, I knew that in order to make my board stand out, I needed to strategize.
I determined that my target audience would be other students, teachers, parents, and professionals. This board would be mainly presented during time where people are floating around, and it would be one of many of display. Not only will it have to be visually pleasing, it will have to make an impression on the viewer.
So, the reason why I was so hungry is because I brainstormed, for a very long time, about what to do with my board. My brainstorming consisted of walking around the room, stretching, and other movements that probably used up as much energy as my brain was.
After spending time in my think tank, I knew that in order for my board to be memorable, it need to be a) interactive, b) personizable, or c) both. Making it personizable would be too hard; multitudes of people would be walking by it, so I chose to make my board interactive.
Thus, the drafted design for my board includes a special part that asks the audience to leave their mark on my board. I won't go into specifics for now, but I will say that this component will definitely be useful--both for me and my audience.
Until next time,
Eileen Bau