Dear reader,
(After reading marketing guru Seth Godin's ebook on blogs (highly recommended, find it here), I am going to be more concise in my posts. That is all.)
ISM has become so much more real this past week. This has been the first time where I have independently began to make headway into the marketing field. How? In order to facilitate my research, I began contacting professionals for research interviews, in order to get a real-life glimpse of how marketing works. It's actually a lot easier than it seems. Although cold-calling professionals out of the blue may seem daunting, in reality most people are pretty friendly and are willing to help out.
I won't get into specifics yet, but I also went on my first research visit this week. It was the first time in which I have actually gotten somewhere of my own accord. By that, I mean that this is the first time in which neither my teachers, parents, or friends have lent a helping hand in achieving a goal outside of school. I will never forget that feeling of accomplishment after I hung up the phone from confirming the research interview. The world holds so much, and it is up to you to take it.
All of a sudden, opportunities are opening themselves up, and all I've done is sent a couple emails and made some phone calls. It is astonishing how much power I hold, and how much I have the potential to become. And so begins a new chapter of hope, of inspiration, and of ambition. I am determined to see just how far I can push myself.
Until next time,
Eileen Bau